Trenton created a marketing fund that can be used by Trenton UEZ staff to promote UEZ businesses or groups of UEZ businesses can use it to promote themselves.


  • Can be used to match marketing campaigns that promote Trenton UEZ businesses done by third party groups like the Latino Merchants Association, the Trenton Downtown Association, Isles, the Broad Street Coalition, the Guatemalan Merchant Association, etc.  It can also be used to support groups of UEZ businesses who want to undertake their own marketing activity.
  • The amount funded would be capped at 50% of the eligible project cost or $500 per Trenton UEZ business included in the marketing campaign/activity, whichever is lower. 
  • At least four UEZ businesses must be featured in the marketing activity.
  • Third-party projects cannot be structured to replace budgets for marketing activities already underway and can only be used for new projects or expansions of old non-UEZ projects. 
  • We are creating a UEZ Event Fund.  Projects may apply for one or the other, but not both.
  • For recurring fund requests, a sufficient return on investment needs to be shown for previous marketing activity.
  • So we can insure the funds can be spread around to various entities, an entity can submit one application a year.
  • Grant funds cannot be dispersed to a for-profit organization that is run by the Mayor, any member of the Cabinet, the City Council or staff members in the Department of Housing and Economic Development.
  • These guidelines may change or be clarified as the program progresses.


  • Complete the following application: DOWNLOAD APPLICATION
  • Include the City of Trenton and the Urban Enterprise Zone as sponsors on all promotional materials.  The seal of the City, the logo for the UEZ and the logo for Shop Trenton will all be made available. 
  • Design a method to measure revenues generated.  Work with the featured UEZ businesses to capture this information.  Provide quarterly reports measuring the return on investment of the marketing campaign/activity.   These could include coupon turn-ins or a systematic asking of customers what brought them to the UEZ business.
  • After the marketing campaign, provide a report that includes the entire budget for the marketing, including a breakdown of income sources.